Meet The Team: Keely Bremner


Hey Keely! Tell everyone something about yourself that they wouldn’t find out otherwise. 

I created, directed and organised three independent eco-music festivals called Forest fest in 2016, 2017 and 2019. Also, I listen to ASMR on the odd occasion... there I've said it, it's out in the open. None of the eating/mouth sound ones though!

Did you always know you wanted to work in the music industry?

When I was three years old I would sing (scream/shout) along to Gold Finger in the back of dad's car and have been singing ever since - hopefully I've gotten a little better since then. I think music was something that came to me pretty naturally.

What was your path into the industry?

Stage school, singing lessons, piano lessons, numerous musical theatre shows, endless hours singing along to Disney, and making up songs. That evolved into gigging with my Dad (iltenore) - which I still do. I then studied performing arts at college, went to BIMM London to study Creative Musicianship, then studied for my MA at UWL in Music Industry and Artist Development. All whilst working/networking with as many people as possible. That led me to be introduced to Alex from Latch and here we are.

Was there a particular learning curve you remember encountering at the beginning of your career?

The importance of networking (I hate calling it that). More-so, the importance of making friends, relationships and building your circle. Oh and self-belief, that one’s a biggie. For ages, I never really thought I was good enough to work within this industry. This took a lot of work to overcome, but once I managed to shift this belief and change my attitude and behaviour around it, amazing things started to happen. We truly are capable of everything we set our minds to.

What is your current role?

Senior PR and Brand Partnerships. I’m also an independent artist creating music for sync, occasional eco-music festival organiser, full-time LOTR nerd.

What does that entail?

A lot of research, a lot of organising, client liaison, pitching, keeping up relationships, creative writing, etc. I liken it to having 100 tabs open on Google all at the same time, ALL OF THE TIME.

What is a common misconception about the job that you do?

That all I do is send emails or that I go to events all the time (I wish).

What was the last track that you listened to?

Dan D'Lion - Impressions.

What is the most rewarding part of working on artist projects?

I love music and I am so passionate about helping artists get the attention their music deserves. I think being an artist myself makes me particularly empathetic. I work on each campaign as if it was my own tune. Feeling like you have done a campaign justice and that the artist is happy, is super rewarding. 

What are the changes you want to see in the music industry?

More women, more members of the LGBTQ+ community, more BAME representation, more diversity, more power to independent labels, blogs, playlists etc. 

I want to see more independent artists receiving more widespread opportunities.  

Tell us about something you do outside of work.

I write music under the artist name Forest and am currently creating tunes for sync purposes, which is so much fun. I also write for a few music blogs! Aside from music-related things, I LOVE being outside, amongst nature, I find it so incredibly healing and necessary to help me maintain good overall mental health. I've gotten into foraging recently too which is great, I think it’s super important to be more aware of seasonal, sustainable and local foods. Oh, and traveling, I bloody love traveling. 

What artists should people be keeping an eye on?

Dan D'Lion, Ayelle, Qhairo, Afonso, Tom Dunne, Jali Mudd, Susannah Sail, TARA, the list is endless (I'm so lucky to have super talented pals).

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Open Door: Talking sync and music supervision with Jumi Akinfenwa


Open Door: Considering all things live music during COVID-19